International Centre of the Sisters of St. Joseph

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

St. Joseph Health Makes a Pilgrimage to Le Puy

Forty-five members of St. Joseph Health of Orange, CA, made their way to France this week to learn more about the origins and settings of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Their first stop was Fr. Medaille's hometown of Carcassonne on Sunday, April 8. They spent the next two days in Le Puy and then went on to Lyon to learn about Mother St. John Fontbonne.

The group was led by Sister Jayne Helmlinger, General Superior of the Orange Congregation, and her colleague, Sr. Marian Schubert. 

Based in Irvine, Calif., St. Joseph Health (SJH) serves 10 distinct communities within three general regions: Northern California, Southern California and West Texas/Eastern New Mexico. A three-time recipient of the Gallup Great Workplace Award, SJH is comprised of 24,000 dedicated employees led by chief executive, Annette Walker.

The group visited the Kitchen, with explanations about the early sisters' history led by Sr. Simone Saugues. 

They also visited the Scenography and learned about the interface between the sisters, the Church, and Europe.

The International Centre hosted the group to a wine and cheese party at the Centre.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Congratulations to the New Board of the International Centre

Srs. Odille Gaillard (France-Institute), Claudia Frencia (Italy), Mariarita Bollati (Italy), Loretta Manzara (Canada), Maria Goretti O'Connor (France-Annecy), Catherine Barange (France-Lyon), Simone Saugues (translator), Ieda Tommazini (France-Chambèry), Barbara Bozack (facilitator), and Patty Johnson (USA).

New staff members:  Sr. Eluiza de Andrade (Brazil) and Olga Bonfiglio, CSJ Associate (USA).

20th Anniversary Celebration of the International Centre a Big Success -- October 17

  The International Centre celebrated 20 years of service to the hundreds of people each year who make pilgrimages to the city where the fir...