Nineteen participants took part in the 2022 Mission Effectiveness program, which provides leaders in institutions sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph with an understanding of the SSJ charism, history, and spirituality. In this photo, the group is on a bus for a day trip to Lyon to learn more about Mother St. John Fontbonne and the development of the Sisters of St. Joseph after the French Revolution.
The group posed with the statue of Mother St. John Fontbonne at the Origin and Evolution Centre. It also visited Mother St. John's gravesite (below).
The program was a
hybrid presentation with Sister Dolores Clerico on zoom from
Philadelphia and Sister Phyllis DiFuccia (foreground) presiding over the
group's presentations, prayers, and tours. Sister Marlena Roeger (with the microphone) provided translation to the Brazilians.
Each participant gave a presentation of his/her institution that is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Participants learned how to adapt their work there to the charism and spirituality of the Congregation. Group members represented the following countries: Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, USA, and Wales.
Prayer was a daily practice, which took place in the Community Room.
As Jayne awaited the birth of
her first grandchild, participants joined her in a three-day vigil. Finally,
during the group’s trip to Lyon, Jayne received word that a healthy baby girl,
Ida Jayne, was born. Everyone celebrated the event with tears, smiles, and
dancing. Click here to see the dancing video. They also toasted Jayne at dinner with sparkling French wine.
Participants visited various historical and SSJ pilgrimage sites in Le Puy. The Brazilians (left) climbed the 132-meter high volcanic spur called the Rocher Corneille to visit the Virgin. They--and many others--also climbed St. Michel.
Jean Bonnassieux sculpted the statue in 1860. It was cast with the bronze recovered from the Russian cannons captured at the Battle of Sebastopol during the Crimean War, a gift from Napoleon III. All participants visited the Kitchen only they did it in two groups according to language. While the English speakers were at the Kitchen, the Brazilians visited Martine's lace shop. Then they switched places.
Dinner at La Table du Plot

The group bonded
together almost from the start of the program. Many friendships were
made as members told stories about their lives, their work, and their
desire to be connected to the mission and ministries of the Sisters of
St. Joseph.